Former RNC Chair on Priebus Ouster From WH: 'Karma's a B***h, Ain't It?'

Former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus / Getty Images
July 31, 2017

Former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele has no sympathy for Reince Priebus after he was forced out of his position as White House chief of staff last week.

Priebus challenged and took Steele's chairmanship seat at the RNC in 2011. Steele told the Atlantic in an article published Sunday that Priebus' challenge was a sign of disloyalty.

"This is the bed Reince has been making for himself since he was my general counsel," Steele said in comments flagged by the Washington Examiner. "He's a guy who's always positioning himself for the next thing. Karma's a bitch, ain't it?"

President Donald Trump announced Friday that he would replace Priebus with Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly as his chief of staff. Priebus had submitted his resignation the prior day.

Trump also thanked Priebus for his dedication to America and said that they "accomplished a lot together."

Kelly was sworn in as White House chief of staff on Monday.