CNN Host: How Can Clinton Ask for Republicans' Support When She Called Them Her Enemies?

June 8, 2016

Co-host of CNN's New Day Alisyn Camerota asked Rep. Xavier Becerra (D., Calif.) Wednesday how Hillary Clinton could get Republicans to vote for her, after bragging that they were the enemies she was proudest of having.

"Do you think it will be harder for Republicans to actually get on board with Hillary Clinton and to embrace her campaign, given what she said at that CNN debate months ago, where she was asked which enemies she is most proud of and she named Republicans?" Camerota asked.

Becerra, who is looked at as a potential running mate for Clinton, promptly moved to dodge the question.

"I think people understand that what we need is someone in the White House that will get things done and I believe most Americans, as we've seen by the fact that Donald Trump is their Republican presumptive nominee, are willing to move in many directions," Becerra said.

"But what I do believe is this: Hillary Clinton has a message that appeals to all Americans because it's about lifting all votes and whether you're in the rust belt states or you're the sun belt states, there's a message that Hillary Clinton is communicating to you that hasn't been said for quite some time that needs to be said, which is, you're going to have an opportunity. You may not be able to get away with everything the way Donald Trump says. It's not going to be free. But if you work hard and do things by the rules, which by the way, Donald Trump doesn't, you're going to do very well in America, and so her message will cross borders, cross boundaries, and she's going to be about building bridges, not building walls."

Clinton effectively wrapped up the Democratic nomination this week, moving over the delegate threshold to become the first woman to be a major party's presumptive nominee.