CNN’s Inside Politics panel thrashed Hillary Clinton’s continued ineffective and dodgy responses to her private email scandal Sunday, saying she was too "lawyerly," lacked sufficient answers, and was losing voters’ trust.
Clinton gave a televised interview to MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Friday, where she twice refused to apologize for her use of a private email server and, in Mitchell’s words, continued to parse her words when asked about whether classified information passed through her server.
"She is still in a lawyerly-like position," CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny said. "Every answer that she’s given, if it was at her press conference on Saturday or at her interview on Friday with Andrea Mitchell, she sounded like Hillary Clinton the lawyer."
Zeleny said there was "frustration" within Clinton’s campaign about how she had handled the saga.
Host John King said it looked like the 2008 campaign all over again for Clinton by being "cautious" and "lawyerly," and pointed out Clinton’s repeated contention that voters don’t care about her emails was belied by the polls.
Reporter Jackie Kucinich took issue with Clinton admitting she didn’t really think too much when she set up the server in the first place, saying it made her go "Really?"
"It was stored at her house … She clearly put a lot of thought into it," Kucinich said. "State Department IT wasn’t even really sure what was happening here … There are more questions and more questions and the answers just aren’t sufficient right now."
Mashable reporter Juana Summers said voters told her they feel they cannot trust Clinton’s claims about her server, pointing to a new poll cited by King showing Clinton with a 53 percent unfavorability rating.
"It gets down to that all-important issue of trust, and a lot of the voters that I’m talking to don’t feel like this is an example where they say, ‘Yes, we can trust Hillary Clinton, and that’s definitely got to be concerning at this point if you’re looking at the numbers you just referenced," she said.