Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski pointed out Monday that fellow panelists were "smirking" when she mentioned a new Hillary Clinton television ad reminding voters she's a grandmother.
Discussing the potential candidacy of Joe Biden and his reputation as a family man of integrity, host Joe Scarborough told an anecdote about Biden joking to him that his Secret Service protection was unnecessary because no one would be lame enough to assassinate a vice president.
"Laughing at himself when he's the second-most powerful guy in the country and perhaps the world, but just being a real guy," Scarborough said.
"And he's a family guy, and you see Hillary Clinton's new ad talking about her being grandma, and it just -- yeah, you're all smirking," she said, pointing at co-host Willie Geist and frequent panelist Mark Halperin. "Because it doesn't ring --"
"I was grimacing," Geist said. "That's a distinction."