Free Beacon Betrayer Richard Sherman's Heart Breaks on Live TV

February 2, 2015

This is the greatest gif ever made and I salute the good folks at Kissing Suzy Kolber for bringing it to the world.


This gif combines my two favorite things in the whole world: Simpsons references and Richard Sherman's tears of unfathomable sadness.

Anyway, it's good that the no-class Seahawks lost. I'm happy that their 9/11 Truther coach made what is easily the worst playcall in Super Bowl history. I enjoyed watching Free Beacon betrayer Richard Sherman face contort into a grimace of failure. It thrills me that labor suffered a defeat at the hands of capital. I celebrated the Super Bowl ads (especially that one where girls threw like girls and we were supposed to pretend that they weren't throwing like girls) and refuse to do the penitence ("10 Our Privileges and 12 Hail Sensitivities") that the new New Republic's grievancemongers demand of me.

The Seahawks suck.