Baby Mama Drama: How Hunter Biden's Mistress Could Spoil the Democratic Convention for Sleepy Joe

An August surprise?

(Kent Nishimura/Getty Images)
May 28, 2024

The American people may finally learn the truth about President Joe Biden's heartless campaign to deny the existence of his seventh grandchild this summer when Hunter Biden's former mistress publishes a "tell-all memoir" in the middle of the Democratic convention.

The forthcoming book by Lunden Roberts—a former stripper who gave birth to Hunter's daughter, Navy Joan Roberts, in 2019—will offer a "brave and honest" account of her "tumultuous relationship" with the crack-addled first son, including "revelations that could well impact the outcome of the 2024 election," according to a description from Skyhorse Publishing.

Out of the Shadows: My Life Inside the Wild World of Hunter Biden hits stores on August 20, one day after the Democratic convention is scheduled to kick off in Chicago. Hunter's elderly father, sometimes referred to as "Sleepy Joe," will formally accept the party's nomination for president if he is still alive on August 22. 

It's been almost a year since President Biden, 81, finally acknowledged the existence of Navy Joan Roberts in response to mounting criticism. Since the child's birth in 2019, Biden repeatedly declined to include Navy Joan when discussing how many grandchildren he had, and occasionally lashed out at reporters for asking about it.

During that same period, Hunter was fighting the child's mother in Arkansas state court. He initially denied being Navy Joan's father, then spent several years fighting to lower his child-support payments after a court-ordered DNA test proved him wrong. In his 2021 memoir, Hunter wrote that he had "no recollection" of a sexual encounter with Roberts because he slept with so many women who were "hardly the dating type" while addicted to crack/cocaine and other drugs.

Hunter will go on trial next week in Delaware, where he is charged with lying about his drug use on an application to buy a gun. A second trial in California, where Hunter is charged with tax fraud, was recently delayed until early September. White House aides are reportedly concerned that President Biden's frail brain might not be able to handle the "psychological torment" of watching his 54-year-old son face consequences for breaking the law.

WATCH: Joe Biden's 'Sad and Disturbing' Journey to Accepting His Granddaughter's Existence