WATCH: IDF Demolishes Hamas Parliament Building

November 15, 2023

The Israel Defense Forces destroyed the Hamas parliament building on Wednesday, two days after capturing the site.

Israeli news service i24News shared a video on X, formerly Twitter, that shows Israeli forces blowing up the Gaza City seat of the Hamas-controlled Palestinian Legislative Council.

The demolition came two days after the IDF's Seventh Armored Brigade and Golani Infantry Brigade captured the building, along with several other Hamas-controlled sites in Gaza City.

I24News correspondent Ariel Oseran on Monday shared a photograph that shows troops of the Golani Brigade posing inside the building with Israeli flags.

Israel has targeted other military sites in Gaza, raiding Al Shifa Hospital on Wednesday. Israeli and American intelligence have alleged that Hamas uses the hospital to conduct terror operations and store weapons.

Israeli troops found unspecified weapons and "terror infrastructure" at the hospital compound, Reuters reported.