Carney: I Don’t Have a Crystal Ball To Predict When Assad Will Go

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney took several questions Tuesday on when the United States believes Assad would be removed from power. Carney responded  "I have no crystal ball here to predict when Assad will go":

Q: Is the administration at a place where you see this as a slow bleed?

MR. CARNEY: Look, I think that it's a challenging situation in Syria, but the -- which is why we have to provide this assistance. And I don't -- if you're -- if you're asking me, do we believe that Assad will prevail, the answer is no, he will not -- and not because we say so, but because the Syrian people will not stand for it.

And --

Q: But you're also acknowledging this isn't going to make him go.

MR. CARNEY: No, I didn't say that. I'm not acknowledging -- I'm not -- I have no crystal ball here to predict when Assad will go. But I have no doubt and we have no doubt that the Syrian people will not --

Q: Is the aid intended -- I guess I'm asking, is the aid intended for the purpose of toppling him?

MR. CARNEY: The aid is intended to assist the opposition in its effort to resist Assad and to ultimately prevail over Assad and his forces.