Woman Distracts Man With Nude Swim While Her Husband Burglarizes House

'They cleared me out and I just feel violated'

A woman distracted a Crossville, Tennessee man by swimming naked so her husband could rob the man's home, WKRN-TV reports:

The 54-year-old told police he was approached by the couple, who live nearby, and the 30-something year-old woman asked if she could swim in his pool. She then asked the man if it would bother him if she swam naked. He said it would not.

According to police, the husband left after his wife asked him to retrieve her cigarettes.

While he was gone, he burglarized the home, stealing a handgun, jewelry and medication. The stolen items amounted to $1,195.

During the theft, the woman kept the neighbor distracted for 20 minutes by swimming naked in his pool.

"I went and got her a towel, she dried off and all of a sudden she was soaking wet again. I escorted her outside and invited her to church, but she said she didn't have time for that, she wasn't ready for that," victim Stephen Amaral told Nashville's News 2.


"They cleared me out and I just feel violated," he said.

Amaral said he wants the stolen items back. He said the handgun was the service weapon he used while he was a Mississippi deputy and he planned to pass it on to his grandchildren.

The two suspects have been identified but have not been arrested.

The investigation is ongoing.

Published under: Crime Blotter , Video