Krauthammer: Issa Mistaken, Carney Is 'Majorly Underpaid' Liar

'Special Report' panel slams Plouffe Twitter tantrum

The "Special Report" panel slammed former Senior Advisor to the Obama Administration David Plouffe's twitter tantrum on Rep. Darrell Issa (R., Calif.) Monday on FNC:

BRET BAIER: And about overreach, you have a tweet from David Plouffe who you heard from earlier, senior advisor, saying this: "Strong words from Mr Grand Theft Auto and suspected arsonist/insurance swindler and loose ethically today." Issa and his brother were charged with stealing a car in the '70s, though prosecutors dropped the charges. Isn't that surreal, that back and forth?

STEVE HAYES: It is, surreal is the right word for it. I mean the idea that the guy who has run the president's presidential campaign is taking shots based on something that may or may not have happened four decades ago, as a way to defend what the IRS, which they say they had nothing to do with, defend what the IRS is supposed to have done is totally crazy. It certainly doesn't exude much confidence, I would say, on behalf of the president and his advisors.

Charles Krauthammer also ribbed Issa for calling Jay Carney a paid liar, stating Carney is in fact "majorly underpaid":

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I would agree. I think that Issa should not be making personal attacks, or hurling epithets. Leave that to me, and to Steve. Mara I'm afraid won't participate. But Steve and I will take care of it. And I think he's wrong about saying that Carney is a paid liar. I've argued here for months that Carney is majorly underpaid and I think that really is the problem.

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