MSNBC Contributor Doesn't Know How 501(c)(4)s Work

Falsely calls tax-exempt groups 'tax shelters'

MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor revealed she does not know how 501 (c)(4) nonprofits work during a discussion about the IRS targeting scandal on "Martin Bashir" Tuesday.

Ms. Taylor referred to 501c4 groups targeted by the IRS as "tax shelters," but money donated to 501c4 is not tax deductible.

Taylor did say the IRS can be overly intrusive. But only because she has been audited herself.

"To this selective outrage, please miss me with that," Taylor said. "You know, at the end of the day when you look at the Tea Party and you look at what people like Karl Rove did, the very United States that they wanted to take back, they did want want to share their hard-earned dollars with. They were using these tax shelters to shield themselves and their donors from being open about who they were, how they were spending their money, and not being taxed on those dollars, and I think that is a real, you know, piece of hypocrisy here."

The panel with Bashir and fellow contributor Joy Reid focused entirely on alleged past IRS misdeeds, with the trio complaining that groups like Rove's have not been adequately policed.

Attorney General Eric Holder's announcement earlier Tuesday that he had ordered an investigation of the IRS was not mentioned during the panel at all.

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