Supporters of a $15 minimum wage

Wage Hikes Depressed Low-Skilled Unemployment

Study: Young, less educated workers hardest hit

January 5, 2016
Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton Netted 60 Percent of All New York Campaign Cash

Clinton raised more in state than all other candidates combined

January 5, 2016
Barack Obama

Obama’s Executive Orders Longer And More Restrictive Than Previous Administrations

Executive orders total 1,086 pages since Obama took office

January 5, 2016

Clinton’s Staff Vetted Public Records Requests, Emails Show

Top aide involved in process meant to be free of political influence

January 5, 2016
Hong Kong Missing Booksellers

Hong Kong Officials Accuse China of Abducting Publisher, Violating Autonomy

Activist: ‘We feel that Hong Kong is not Hong Kong anymore’

January 5, 2016
Kim Jong Un

North Korea Conducts Successful Submarine Missile Test

Ejection test from Gorae submarine followed earlier failure

January 5, 2016