Rubio slams WH meeting with filmmakers on the bin Laden raid

'I think it's part of a troubling trend of chest-thumping'

Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) criticized sharply the July 2011 meeting between Obama administration officials and director Kathryn Bigelow and others concerning the Osama bin Laden raid, in an interview with Al Hunt:

AL HUNT: You're on the Senate Intelligence Committee. The Obama administration has granted Hollywood filmmakers unprecedented access to information about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden to help them make a movie. Is this appropriate?

MARCO RUBIO: I think it's part of a troubling trend of chest-thumping, showing how smart and good our intelligence services are--and they certainly are. But in the process of trying to impress people of what this administration was able to do, whether it was in that raid or--

HUNT: So, you think it was wrong to give that kind of access?

RUBIO: Not only was it wrong, but we had leaks about the new bomb technology that's very troubling; we have a recent book by a former CIA official that has things in there that perhaps shouldn't be in that book. I think there's a growing trend of leaks that threaten America's operational capacity in the intelligence world and I think--if you look at some of the things that have found their way onto the screen, not just in the movie, but some of the specials around the anniversary of the bin Laden raid, I think one has to be concerned that that's going to impact the ability to carry out similar operations in the future.