Gun Control Credo

Liberal Super PAC behind NRA protest

December 18, 2012

Hundreds of gun control advocates marched on the National Rifle Association’s federal affairs headquarters in Washington, D.C., Monday in an action organized by a deep-pocketed liberal Super PAC with ties to the shadowy Democracy Alliance collective of super-wealthy left-wing donors.

CREDO Action, a liberal activism group and "America’s only progressive mobile phone company," organized Monday’s protest and provided signs for gun-control activists.

"We're here because, quite frankly, the NRA has blood on its hands," CREDO Action’s Josh Nelson told the Washington Post.

Activists carried signs such as "Stop the NRA" and "Arms are for hugging: Gun control now."

As previously reported by the Free Beacon, CREDO Action is an organizing front for CredoMobile, a San Francisco-based cellphone company that has donated more than $75 million to liberal causes since 1985.

The group has organized protests against a variety of targets, including coal energy and the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision.

CREDO Action formed a Super PAC earlier this year despite its opposition to Citizens United in order to target Tea Party Republicans. The CREDO Super PAC raised $4.1 million in the 2012 election cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Fellow liberal Super PAC and Democratic opposition research group American Bridge 21st Century donated $200,000 to the group.

CREDO cofounder Michael Kieschnick is also a staff member of the Secretary of State Project, a liberal campaign launched in 2006 to elect progressive secretaries of state to oversee elections. Kieschnick is also a member of the Democracy Alliance, the secretive network of progressive donors organized by George Soros that funnels millions to left-wing groups.