Fmr. Clinton Campaign Manager: It's 'Disappointing' Clinton Hasn't Condemned Weinstein

October 10, 2017

Patti Solis Doyle, campaign manager for Hillary Clinton's failed 2008 presidential bid, said Tuesday on CNN it is "disappointing" that Clinton has not condemned Hollywood mogul and Democratic mega-donor Harvey Weinstein.

The New York Times reported last Thursday that Weinstein had settled sexual harassment claims with at least eight different women, including well-known actresses Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan. The report sparked outrage among many Hollywood celebrities and Democratic leaders, but some, including Clinton and former President Barack Obama, have been silent on the issue.

CNN host Poppy Harlow said Weinstein has bundled over $1.4 million for Clinton's campaigns over the years and that she did not take the opportunity during her book tour event on Monday night in California to condemn his actions. Harlow asked Solis Doyle if Clinton should have take the opportunity to condemn his behavior.

"What Harvey Weinstein did was repulsive, you know, diabolical, awful, and as far as I'm concerned he should not just be fired, but go to jail, because what he did was a crime," Solis Doyle said. "Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, are no longer elected officials. They will never run for anything again by both of their admissions–"

Harlow interrupted, and pointed out that Solis Doyle wasn't running for political office, but she was able to condemn Weinstein.

"I have to say, personally, having worked for Hillary Clinton for 17 years, and knowing that in her heart, the rights of women and girls have been at the forefront of her career," the longtime Clinton aide started saying.

"Women's rights are human rights, and human rights are women's rights. Her words," Harlow said.

Solis Doyle continued, citing examples of how Clinton has championed women's rights over the years, saying that Clinton has "walked the walk and talked the talk."

"For me, she gave me the ability to bring my little 3-month-old baby to work when I needed to and have a crib in my office," Solis Doyle said. " I know her heart is in the right place, so personally it is disappointing that she hasn't come out and condemned Harvey Weinstein."

Weinstein has donated nearly $600,000 to Democratic politicians, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, since the early 2000s. He was fired on Sunday from The Weinstein Company, the film studio that he co-founded with his brother Robert Weinstein, after the board determined his conduct merited his immediate termination.