Don Lemon Invokes 'Billy Madison' to Mock Spicer's Defense of Trump's Wiretap Claim

March 17, 2017

CNN host Don Lemon mocked White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Thursday night for defending President Donald Trump's claim that former President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower during the 2016 election.

Lemon played a clip from Spicer's Thursday press briefing before mocking him.

"There has been a vast amount of reporting that I just detailed about activity that was going on in the 2016 election. There is no question that there was surveillance techniques used throughout this," Spicer said in the clip.

"When you actually ask those two people whether or not and as [Rep. Devin] Nunes [R., Calif.] says yesterday when you take it literally in wiretapping, the president's already been very clear that he didn't mean specifically wiretapping," Spicer said. "He had it in quotes, so I think to fall back on that is a false premise. That's not what he said. He was very clear about that when he talked about it yesterday."

Lemon asked his viewers after the clip whether they had seen the gameshow scene from the classic Adam Sandler movie, "Billy Madison."

"'Everyone in this room is dumber for having listened to that,'" Lemon quoted. "I hope that you're not dumber and I hope we're providing you with some information. Just to be clear, no one mischaracterized what the Senate intel said."

"Here is the statement: 'Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after election day 2016,'" Lemon said.

Below is the clip from "Billy Madison" that Lemon is referencing.