Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal (Wash.) accused Republican Rep. Darrell Issa (Calif.) of "mansplaining" legislation to her during a Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday.
Jayapal called out Issa on Twitter after the California representative referred to her as the "naive young lady from Washington" during a dispute over the Agricultural Guestworker Act of 2017.
The bill would allow farmers to hire experienced foreign workers when Americans aren’t available, the Washington Examiner reported.
"Thank goodness we have so many men in Congress to mansplain out naivete," Jayapal tweeted on Wednesday, including a video of the aforementioned exchange in her post. "Here’s to you, @DarrellIssa."
"Amendments have consequences, and what I find a little bit frightening about this amendment is the naivete of the young lady from Washington, and I know she is a new member," Issa started before explaining the problems he had with her support of the bill.
"If that is naive, as my distinguished colleague from California suggests, then perhaps we should all go back to being naive and actually fight for our constituents and fight for the rights that make this country great," Jayapal said as part of her response before announcing her support.