'Douchey' Chef to Speak at Clinton Foundation Event

Douche (AP)
September 21, 2015

The Clinton Foundation's annual meeting in New York next week will feature a speech from Mario Batali, a celebrity chef and and anti-fracking activist who owns restaurants all over the world, described in his bio as "his ever-expanding empire of deliciousness." He is a confirmed douche.

Batali, who wears orange Crocs and has donated as much as $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, once compared Wall Street bankers to Hitler and Stalin. He was also accused of stealing tips from his restaurant employees, a charge which resulted in a $5.25 million legal settlement. This helped Batali earn a spot on this definitive list of "The 10 Douchiest Moments in Celebrity Chef History."

Chelsea Clinton has gushed that "It’s not hyperbole to say I could not imagine my life in New York or really my life in general without Mario." In Batali's defense, he has never been imprisoned, unlike many other Clinton associates. But judging by this photo, he should be.
