In Bold Move, Clinton Compares Trump to Litany of Film Heroes

American Hero or GREATEST American Hero? Hard to say tbh.
October 17, 2016

I have to say, I'm a bit surprised by the latest campaign ad from Hillary Clinton. Here it is:

Look, I'm not a professional campaign strategist. I don't know what appeals to voters and what sort of messages work for politicians trying to overcome the stigma of being detested by a broad swath of the American electorate. But I do think it's ... odd, to say the least, that Hillary would compare Donald Trump to a series of beloved heroes from films past.

I mean, do we really think it's bad to compare Donald Trump to entrepreneurs who create jobs


or overworked and underpaid social workers trying to get a handle on society's mental health issues


or high school kids tormented by "violent sociopaths" who blow into town and steal the girlfriends from the locals


or area sports stars tormented by freaks who can literally turn into storybook monsters

teen wolf

or teenaged girls who are poisoned by their supposed "friend" as some sort of sick revenge plot

mean girls

or ... well, okay, Farkus is a bad dude.


I dunno, maybe I'm looking at this all wrong. It just seems to me that the Hillary campaign could find actual villains to compare Trump to. Like racist "rebels" (wink wink, amirite; might as well put the Stars and Bars on the Falcon) who go around blowing up government office buildings in space?