Pelosi Praises Scalise for His Strength as He Returns to House Floor

September 28, 2017

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) praised Rep. Steve Scalise (R., La.) for his strength during his return to Congress on Thursday after he was shot in June at a congressional baseball practice.

Pelosi asked to speak out of order on the floor after Scalise delivered remarks to Congress.

"Thank God our prayers are answered," Pelosi said.

The California representative focused her remarks on the strength Scalise exhibited throughout the fight for his life and recovery, offering a nod to their common Italian heritage.

"I take great pride in Steve because we're both Italian-Americans, and I think that's a source of some of his strength. Right, Steve?" Pelosi said with a laugh.

She then paraphrased Scalise who said during his remarks that an attack on him was an attack on all of Congress. She said it was his strength that helped all of them get through the attack together.

"The day we came to the floor, when you weren’t here, we were all team Scalise," Pelosi said of how the tragedy brought the competing parties together. "Today we are team Scalise. Thank you for being so wonderful. God bless you."