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Beacon Extra

The super delegates are back, and lib professionals of the world unite!

February 28, 2020

Beacon Extra 12/2/19

Florida Dem is still trying to steal an election, Biden kicks off ‘No Malarkey’ tour, and we read Mark Halperin’s new book so you don’t have to

December 2, 2019

Beacon Extra 11/27/19

Obama screws over his friends, Warren’s numbers collapse, and the Washington Post sends a tweet it wishes it had back

November 27, 2019

Beacon Extra 11/26/19

Dems surrender Clinton’s state, Pelosi loses a member on impeachment, and Oberlin kids build a lovely terrorist shrine

November 26, 2019

Beacon Extra 11/25/19

Pocahontas is caught fibbing again, Joe can't name any ladies, and a Harvard-Yale football game somehow gets more boring

November 25, 2019