Continetti: Larger GOP Majority in 2019 Could Give Trump More Cushion to Confirm Sessions' Replacement

Washington Free Beacon editor-in-chief Matthew Continetti said on MSNBC that a potentially larger Republican majority in the Senate in 2019 could allow President Donald Trump to confirm whoever he would want to replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Continetti mentioned on "Meet the Press Daily" that after the 2018 elections, Republicans stand to have a larger majority in the Senate so they could replace Sessions if he is removed by Trump. Many of the senators who are up for reelection this year are Democrats in states that Trump won in 2016 and poll numbers show many of them being in jeopardy of losing their seats to their Republican challengers. Democrats are looking to flip many seats in the House of Representatives though, but they wouldn't have a role in the confirmation process.

"Well, remember, Republicans too because of the crazy dynamic of the 2018 election may have a larger Senate majority in 2019 and more of a cushion to confirm whoever Trump nominates to replace Sessions," Continetti said. "I think every actor in this drama now is kind of constrained by potential courses of action."

"I mean look at Trump, if he fires Sessions, who replaces him immediately? Rosenstein. Is that really what the president wants?" Continetti said. "And so too, though, with the prosecutors in New York, what are they building up to here? Are they really going to indict a sitting president? It hasn't been done before."

"Is Bob Mueller going to subpoena the president to testify? That too would be breaking some norms," Continetti said. "So we're reaching this kind of critical impasse where we don't know what will happen next."