Free Beacon Videos

Women Need Abortions To Fight Inflation, Dem Rep Says

"People need to be in charge of how many mouths they're going to have to feed."

WATCH: Biden's 'New Tone' (Same as the Old Tone)

Journalists celebrate Biden, who said Republicans were siding with George Wallace and promoting 'Jim Crow on steroids,' for finally getting tough on GOP

HEALTH WATCH: 'Shaken' Liz Warren Holds Staffer's Hand for Balance, Raising Fitness Concerns

Episode reminiscent of Hillary Clinton's collapse during failed 2016 campaign

May 4, 2022

CNN's Jeffrey Toobin Worried SCOTUS Could Take Away His Right To Bribe Mistress To Get Abortion

FACT CHECK: Leaked opinion would have no bearing on Toobin's ability to bang a colleague's daughter and pressure her to end the pregnancy (in New York state)

May 3, 2022