King: Holder in Precarious Position by Defying House Judiciary Committee Deadline
'I think he's in an almost untenable position'
June 5, 2013
McCaul Blasts Power Pick for U.N. Ambassador
'You want an U.N. ambassador that's going to advocate for the United States, not apologize for the United States'
June 5, 2013
Father of 22 Children by 14 Women Gives Amazing Interview
'I play the hell out of the Tennessee lottery'
June 5, 2013
Flashback: Samantha Power's Horrible 2002 Interview on Israel
Said 'External Intervention' An Option in Middle East Conflict
June 5, 2013
Krauthammer: McDermott's Tea Party Remarks 'Completely Illogical'
'Some Democrats are beyond embarrassment on this'
June 4, 2013