NBC's David Gregory Puzzled Obama W.H. Resisted Releasing Benghazi Emails
'I think at the end of this it's important to ask the fundamental question, did the government fail to call this attack what it was when they knew what it was?'
May 1, 2014
ABC Report on New Benghazi Revelations
Jonathan Karl: Email suggests WH used video to deflect criticism of Obama's policies
April 30, 2014
Judicial Watch: Carney is Wrong, We Sued for Benghazi Talking Points
Fitton: ‘Jay Carney is not credible’
April 30, 2014
Bret Baier: Jay Carney's Spin on Benghazi 'Surreal'
‘This was a surreal answer from Jay Carney’
April 30, 2014