The Latest

Whitehouse's White Office: Rhode Island Senator Has One of the Least Diverse Dem Staffs

Senate Democrats' diversity study finds one of their own has an affinity for all-white spaces

July 13, 2023

'Superstar' Dem Witness Mocked for Claim That China Will Cooperate To Fight Climate Change

'Do you believe in the tooth fairy? Do you believe in the Easter bunny?'

February 15, 2023

Federal Court: Critical Race Theory Is a 'Resource' To 'Transform' Judiciary

Rhode Island district court to host panel promoting CRT

September 30, 2022

Born in a Hub of Diversity, Sheldon Whitehouse Found Refuge in Lily-White Newport, Rhode Island

How a privileged railroad scion fled New York City to find his racial safe space

June 24, 2021

ANALYSIS: Sheldon Whitehouse Senior Staff as White as His Private Beach Club

Senator under fire for shunning racial diversity in his personal life

June 24, 2021

Black Democrats, Activists Silent on Whitehouse's White-Only Club Membership

NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, 49 Democratic senators stay mum

June 22, 2021

Lib Senator Sheldon Whitehouse Defends Membership in Exclusive All-White Beach Club

White supremacy has 'a long tradition in Rhode Island,' Democrat explains

June 21, 2021

Kennedy Gives Cover to Whitehouse's Latest Attack on Supreme Court's Conservatives

Louisiana senator cosigned a letter calling for justices to disclose a decade of travel records

June 9, 2021