The Latest

Blumenthal Bought Robinhood Shares as He Called for Congress To Investigate GameStop Trading Frenzy

Senator failed to disclose trades within federally mandated window

February 10, 2022

Blumenthal Thought Commie Awards Ceremony Was 'Labor Event,' Regrets Attendance

Speakers repeatedly invited attendees to join the Communist Party

December 20, 2021

Blumenthal Speaks at Communist Party Awards Ceremony

Event organizers used the ceremony to invite people to join the Communist Party

December 14, 2021

House Republicans Say Facebook Lied About Risks to Teens

New report shows social media giant knew Instagram encourages eating disorders, depression

September 14, 2021

Blumenthal and Wife Have Six-Figure Investment in Chinese Government-Linked Retail Center

Wealthy Democrat says he was unaware of Chinese investment until contacted by the Washington Free Beacon

July 9, 2021

NBC News Exclusive: AG Bill Barr Blurbed a Book One Time

The book argued Obama-era directives led colleges to tar innocent men as rapists

September 19, 2019