The Latest

Tim Kaine Compares Parents Who 'Raise Hell' at School Board Meetings to Jan. 6 Rioters

'You see it at school board meetings when people come and raise hell,' senator says during campaign event

April 11, 2024

California Dems Pass Bill To Allow Custody Judges To Consider 'Gender Affirmation'

Newsom to decide if 'non-affirming' parents can lose custody of their kids

September 8, 2023

California Dems Could Remove Visitation Rights for 'Non-Affirming' Parents

Bill would force custody judges to consider 'gender affirmation' as part of child's health, safety, and welfare

September 5, 2023

California Activists File Ballot Initiatives to Counter State's Transgender Policies

Proposals would require schools to alert parents if their child is trans, restore sex-segregated bathrooms and locker rooms in high schools, and ban puberty blockers and sex-change surgeries for minors

August 29, 2023

New Jersey's Dem AG Is Suing Schools Over Parental Notification Policies. Most Residents Support Them.

77 percent of New Jerseyans think schools should tell parents when their child wants to change genders, new poll finds

August 22, 2023