The Latest

Obama Administration Considers Plan to Bolster Mexico’s Southern Border

Three-layer security line 140 miles from southern border aimed to fight drug, human trafficking

August 22, 2013

McAuliffe Watch

Obama nominee probed by DHS for assisting McAuliffe-connected business

July 23, 2013

Making Budget Cuts Hurt

House committees investigating whether Obama administration is making unnecessary cuts to cause pain

April 25, 2013

DHS Detected Tsarnaev Trip, Napolitano tells Congress

FBI, DHS accounts of Boston bomber travel diverge

Get Out of Jail Free Card

Obama policies resulting in release of criminal illegal immigrants

April 19, 2013

Department of Misplaced Priorities

DHS hires staff, spends money on questionable projects even as it releases illegal immigrants and furloughs border agents

March 13, 2013

Blowback to Administrative Amnesty Intensifies

Left, right blast release of illegal immigrant detainees

February 28, 2013