The Latest

California Dem Congressional Candidate Hasn’t Read the Anti-Crime Ballot Measure He's Trying To Kill

Dave Min, who is running to replace Katie Porter in Congress, admits for the second time in a week that he hasn’t read a popular anti-crime ballot measure he is working to undermine

June 19, 2024

Former DCCC Chair Cheri Bustos Registers To Lobby for CCP-Tied EV Company

Bustos has lobbied the Biden White House and three federal agencies for Gotion, disclosures reveal

June 11, 2024

Biden’s EPA May Soon Greenlight California Diesel Train Ban, Sparking Backlash From GOP

Association of American Railroads has warned that California is using 'unreasonable, flawed assumptions' in its crackdown

May 15, 2024

Congress Mandates Increased Oversight on State’s Palestinian Affairs Office

Office of Palestinian Affairs under fire for calling on Israel to stand down hours after Hamas terror attack

April 1, 2024

Meet the Summer Lee Staffer Who Turned 'Dear White Staffers' Into an Anti-Israel Cesspool

Operations director Philip Bennett was arrested over 'spontaneous' participation in Capitol ceasefire protest

March 5, 2024

Let Them Vote

Column: The pro-Israel, pro-Ukraine majority deserves to be heard

February 16, 2024
President Biden Hosts News Conference With President Volodymyr Zelensky Of Ukraine At The White House

A Plan B for Ukraine?

Column: Seized Russian assets may provide relief for the beleaguered democracy

January 25, 2024