Vox Reporter: Clinton Said Things That Were 'Completely Out of Touch'

June 10, 2015

Vox political reporter Jonathan Allen said Hillary Clinton has said things that are "completely out of touch" Wednesday on MSNBC's Hardball.

Host Chris Matthews asked whether Clinton’s wealth is a struggle for her presidential campaign.

"Hillary Clinton is struggling with her own aura of wealth as she tries to frame herself as a warrior for the middle class," Matthews said. "In fact, last week, the Washington Post’s Dan Balz wrote, ‘Clinton can talk all she wants about income inequality and reducing the influence of money in politics, but her recent experience makes it seem insincere.’ Is that fair?"

Allen said, "She [Clinton] said things that were completely out of touch, like we were dead broke when we left the White House. I think even though technically true, I think that makes it seem like she can't be the person who is the wealthy woman that's serving the lower classes."

Allen continued to say that we would have to wait for Clinton’s policy agenda.