CNN chief legal analyst Jeffery Toobin on Tuesday called Michael Avenatti's behavior on teasing another allegation of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh "really irresponsible."
"Can I also just say that Michael Avenatti's behavior so far in this area has been really irresponsible," Toobin said. " I mean, you know, it is one — The New Yorker magazine, you know, did a very carefully on-the-record story with one accuser, [and] the Washington Post [published an] on-the-record accusation from Ms. Ford."
Avenatti, an attorney for Stormy Daniels and fervent critic of President Donald Trump, teased in an email to the Senate Judiciary Committee indicating he had "significant evidence" Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge participated in gang rapes in the early 1980's. In the following days, Avenatti hasn't revealed any evidence backing the claim or identified the client he's representing.
Kavanaugh was asked about Avenatti's claims on Fox News Monday night where he denied the allegations and revealed he was a virgin throughout high school and for "many years after."
Avenatti said in a tweet that his client is not ready to come forward yet and will do so when she is ready. He teased that it will be within the next 36 hours.
Let me be clear: We will disclose the client’s name and accusations only when SHE is ready and we have adequate security measures in place. And not a moment before that. It is her choice and hers alone as to when to surface bc it is her life. We expect it within the next 36 hrs.
— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) September 25, 2018
"For Michael Avenatti to just simply throw out there that there are these unnamed people who are going to make these allegations, that is really not how the process should work. It is not fair to Brett Kavanaugh, it is not fair to anyone involved," Toobin said. "It is publicity seeking of the worst kind and unless, you know, he can -- I mean, if he has a person to attach to that, that's one thing, but simply to just throw this garbage out there with no name is really, I think, awful."
"I'm glad you made that point because if he has something, then he should reveal it to us, he should come on and reveal it, but just teasing it in this way isn't fair," CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota said.
"It's terrible," Toobin added.