Legal Challenges Force Occupier from PA Race

"I'll strip for you to raise the money"

A Pennsylvania Occupier running for a U.S. congressional seat has withdrawn his name from the Democratic primary ballot and pledged to continue his run with a write-in campaign. Nate Kleinman announced he would challenge incumbent Rep. Allyson Y. Schwartz (D., Pa.) earlier this year. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports:

His withdrawal from the ballot Friday came after a Commonwealth Court hearing in Philadelphia in which Schwartz's supporters challenged several of the 1,500 signatures Kleinman secured to appear on district voting machines. [...]

Schwartz has a campaign war chest of $2.3 million, according to her latest campaign filings. Kleinman said Friday his campaign has about $5,000 to $10,000 cash on hand.

"I'll strip for you to raise the money," one of his supporters said.

Published under: Progressive Movement