Obama compares economy to hurricane in interview with New Orleans reporter

KAREN SWENSEN: When you took office, in New Orleans the unemployment rate was 6.1 percent. It’s now at 7.2 percent. We’ve had 4,000 people lose their jobs just between April and May. What would you say to those constituents, to those voters who would say I’m not better off, with all due respect, than I was four years ago, I’m worse.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, if you look at what’s happened, not just in Louisiana, but across the country, most of those job losses initially came in the first six months of me being in office, right as we were hitting the worst part of the crisis. And we’ve been doing clean-up ever sense. I mean, this is essentially like--it was a financial hurricane that hit, and we’ve been cleaning up ever since.

Published under: Barack Obama