New Ad Zaps Shaheen Over Broken Energy Promises

October 21, 2014

An ad released by Scott Brown's campaign Tuesday hammers incumbent Jeanne Shaheen (D., N.H.) for failing to reduce New Hampshire's soaring electric rates.

"We have the nation's highest electric rates," Shaheen said during her Gubernatorial campaign in 1996. "That's one thing I'm definitely going to change."

The ad pointed out that despite these promises, Shaheen has a record of rejecting legislation that would improve energy independence, voting in favor of a national energy tax, and instituting an energy tax in New Hampshire that increased electricity costs by 18 percent.

Newspaper clippings are interspersed with television reports on increased electricity costs and clips of Shaheen promising to reduce New Hampshire's electric rates.

"Unplug Jeanne Shaheen for her broken promises," the ad reads.

A poll released Monday shows Shaheen and Brown in a dead heat for the New Hampshire Senate seat.