Netroots Panel Compares Bush to Hitler, Will Strategize How to Oppose Trump if Americans Rally Around Him During Tragedy

President George W. Bush with William F. Buckley Jr. / Getty Images
August 9, 2017

One panel at the upcoming left-wing activist gathering Netroots Nation will compare George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler and strategize how to oppose President Donald Trump should a 9/11-like national tragedy cause people to rally around him.

The online description of theĀ panel, which will feature leaders of and the ACLU, draws parallels between Hitler and Bush by suggesting the latter similarly used a national security threat to advance his agenda. It reads, "Hitler used the Reichstag Fire; Putin used the 1999 apartment bombings; and George W. Bush used 9/11," theĀ Washington Post reports.

Many historians consider the Reichstag Fire a Nazi-ordered false flag to help Hitler consolidate power. The suggestion that 9/11 was an inside job by the Bush administration is a long-held conspiracy theory by fringe figures.

The panel description goes on to say, "With Trump, [Stephen] Bannon and their allies in Congress, progressives must be prepared to fight back in the first hours and days of a national security crisis."

Netroots will take place Thursday through Sunday in Atlanta, Ga, and will feature former Vice President Al Gore, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), and more than 80 panels and training sessions that will mainly focus on resistance to Trump.

While Warren is the only expected 2020 contender expected to attend, many down-ballot and first-time progressive political candidates are expected to appear at the event. Among them is congressional hopeful Randy Bryce, who is challenging House Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.).