MSNBC Reporter Asks Trump Supporter Questions While Riding B**** on His Motorcycle

August 22, 2016

MSNBC reporter Jacob Soboroff asked a Donald Trump supporter questions in an unusual place on Monday: from the bitch, or back, seat of the man’s motorcycle.

Soboroff interviewed a group of bikers in Tampa, Florida, who are hoping the White House will shift back to Republican control, and he then got on one of the gentleman’s hogs and was taken for a ride.

"Donald Trump country, huh?" Soboroff yelled out on the highway.

"Apparently so," the biker said. "That’s what they say, I guess."

"Yoo-hoo!" Soboroff yelled.

"What’s the best part about this being a swing state?" he asked.

"Getting to decide who our next president’s going to be," the biker replied,

"Fair enough," Soboroff said.

Soboroff did not wear a helmet. He acknowledged afterward he should have.

Published under: Florida