Millennial Not Impressed With Clinton's Answer on Helping Young People

March 8, 2016

While Hillary Clinton was explaining the enthusiasm gap between herself and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) on Monday, one Fox News town hall millennial audience member was not impressed with Clinton's answer.

"And I am going to continue to attract young people. I'm proud of those who have been supporting me," Clinton said.

Clinton used her talking point that while young people may not be for her now but she was and will always be there for them, the female audience millennial shook her head and continued to make a disgusted face as Clinton continued to talk.

Clinton has a millennial problem with more and more young voters continuing to flock to Sanders and his socialist message. Sanders continues to campaign on college campuses while Clinton chooses more community focused venues. Young voters also view Clinton as a part of Washington and view Sanders as a political outsider.

Clinton has tried to reach out to young feminists with the idea of breaking the glass ceiling and even released a playlist that is filled with girl power songs that would make even Lena Dunham smile.

In a February Wall Street Journal poll, young likely Democratic voters under the age of 45 prefer Sanders over Clinton by 29 points. In older likely Democratic voters Clinton has a slight lead over Sanders by nine points.