MSNBC Guest on McConnell Invoking Rule 19: 'This is, Like, a Drunk Thing to Do'

February 9, 2017

Senior editor of the Daily Beast Erin Gloria Ryan said on Wednesday night that when Sen. Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) invoked Rule 19 on Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), it was "like, a drunk thing to do."

Ryan took a previous comment one step further than another guest, CBS news contributor and podcaster Nancy Giles, who said that McConnell was "drunk with power."

"I mean, it's like, I think they are drunk with power," Giles said. "It's not like, they are. They’ve got the House and they’ve got the Senate."

Ryan jumped in to accuse him of actually being drunk.

"They're acting kind of drunk," she said. "This is a drunk thing to do."

Prior to this, she said that when the rule was invoked it was not only horrible optics for the Republican party, a sentiment echoed by many, but that McConnell hit "social justice bingo" by doing so.

"I saw it as a real unforced-error by the Republicans," she said. "The optics of this were so bad. If they would have left Elizabeth Warren to say what she was going to say in peace and then let her sit down on her own, they wouldn't be dealing with the day they've been asking today. Instead what they're doing is basically filling a card of social justice bingo. She is a woman being shouted down by a man because she is reading the words of a black female civil rights leader during Black History Month."