McCaskill: I'm Too Busy to Attend DNC

Says Obama Hasn't Campaigned in MO Despite Her Request

Sen. Claire McCaskill said Wednesday she has asked the president to campaign with her in Missouri, in an interview with "Morning Joe."

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Hear you're going to the democratic convention, is that because you're going to be working hard for the people of Missouri?

CLAIRE MCCASKILL: Actually I've never gone when I've had a contested race. I think, you know, you've got to say to people at home which is more important, going to a place with a bunch of party honchos and having cocktail parties or being at home talking to them. so this has never been a hard call for me. everybody's trying to make this a big deal, a narrative. It's stupid.

SCARBOROUGH: Has nothing to do with the president not being popular?

MCCASKILL: Absolutely not. No. I've asked the president to campaign in Missouri.


MCCASKILL: Of course.

Published under: Claire McCaskill