Klobuchar: I Support Providing Health Care to Illegal Immigrants

She states health care would be part of comprehensive immigration reform

June 30, 2019

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.) joined the growing chorus of Democrats whose health care plans would cover illegal immigrants. The senator stressed on CBS's Face the Nation that health care coverage for illegal immigrants would be included in her plan for comprehensive immigration reform during a Sunday morning appearance on CBS's Face the Nation.

"As part of comprehensive immigration reform, we must move forward on making sure people have health care," Klobuchar told host Margret Brennan. "But I think on the national basis, as we go forward, get immediate health care for people, yes."

Last week's Democratic debates sparked a call among the candidates to have the government provide health care for illegal immigrants. All 10 Democratic 2020 candidates at Thursday night’s debate raised their hand when asked if their healthcare plans would provide coverage to illegal immigrants.

"So that was a yes, your health care plan would cover them?" Brennan asked.

"That was a yes for immediate health care needs, but as far as other benefits, I think we need to, that has got to be a part of a discussion about comprehensive immigration reform," Klobuchar said.

President Donald Trump responded to Democrats' call by tweeting the race is over.

"All Democrats just raised their hands for giving millions of illegal aliens unlimited healthcare. How about taking care of American Citizens first!? That’s the end of that race!" Trump tweeted.

The New York Post ran a cover of the Democratic candidates raising their hands at the debate with the headline, "Who Wants to Lose the Election?"

One MSNBC anchor said the raised hands moment at the debate was "Christmas" for Trump.