Hillary Clinton again claimed during Tuesday night's Democratic debate to be transparent when it came her use of a personal email and private server during her time as secretary of state. Recent reports have said the State Department has asked Clinton to go back and find more emails.
"I've been as transparent as I know to be," Clinton said.
Clinton used her tired talking point that she turned over 55,000 pages of emails. When the scandal first made headlines and Clinton was forced to address the issue she said she wanted the emails to be public and again reiterated the point.
Clinton had said in the past that she only used one device "for the sake of convenience" but during the rollout of the emails from the State Department it became clear she had used another device.
Clinton is set to testify in front of the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Oct. 22. Clinton blamed the committee for being put together to bring down her poll numbers and damage her credibility. Clinton cited Rep. Kevin McCarthy's (R., Calif.) statement on the committee.
Clinton highlighted during the debate that she had been pushing to testify publicly which was not originally part of the deal.