Gibbs: Dems ‘Absolutely’ in Danger of Losing Senate

‘If we lose the Senate, turn out the lights. The party is over’

Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said the Senate is "absolutely" in danger of flipping to Republican control and President Obama needs to do more to help Democrats this election cycle.

"If he [Obama] doesn’t get more involved in raising money and making this a choice as Dan Pfeiffer said, you lose the Senate and if you lose the Senate, turn out the lights because the party is over," Gibbs said on NBC’s Meet The Press.

Host David Gregory followed up asking, "Is the Senate in danger?"

"Definitely," said Gibbs. "Absolutely."

"How come Dan Pfeiffer didn't say it?" asked Gregory, referring to the Obama advisor’s appearance earlier in the broadcast.

"I did the same thing a few years ago on your show and I still have tire tracks from Nancy Pelosi for saying what I thought. Honesty--you can only go so far in Washington when you're employed. As a consultant I can say all these things now," said Gibbs.