What Donald Trump Is Watching

Nightmare Fuel

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is fed up with MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Trump and the show’s co-host, Joe Scarborough, have had a falling out in recent weeks, with their once fuzzy relationship deteriorating into total war. The real estate mogul’s recent comments about a judge being unable to do his job because of his Mexican descent appears to have been a final straw for Scarborough, who has been lashing out against his former friend.

Trump went so far as to announce early Wednesday morning on Twitter that he is no longer watching Morning Joe, telling Americans they won’t believe what Trump is watching now instead.

This development caused Washington Free Beacon associate editor Matthew Walther to wonder what television programs Trump could possibly be watching now that he has given up on Morning Joe.

The possibilities are endless. The country waits in earnest for Trump’s answer.

Published under: Donald Trump