Florida Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings called Texas a "crazy state" with one town that "has a law that says that women can only have six dildos."
Fact checkers have ruled Hastings statement on dildos false, and said that stores in Texas "can, and do, sell more than six dildos" to a single person.
Here's Politifact:
There's a law, now invalid, along those lines — though it was intended to prevent the sale of such devices, not the ownership of them. In addition, it was a statewide law, not a city law, and more importantly, it was struck down by a federal appeals court more than six years ago. Hastings’ office did not provide supporting evidence for an existing city law that sets a dildo limit.
There’s some obscurity because the law is still on the books. But experts told us that, as a practical matter, the law has no teeth, and stores today in Texas can, and do, sell more than six dildos.
In response to a Texas congressman who called for Hastings to apologize for his comments on Texas, Hastings said "you will wait until hell freezes over for me to say anything in an apology."