Clinton Foundation to Stop Accepting Foreign Donations if Hillary Wins

Hillary and Bill Clinton / AP
August 19, 2016

The Clinton Foundation will stop accepting money from foreign and corporate entities if Hillary Clinton is elected to the White House in November.

Former President Bill Clinton told foundation staff Thursday he plans to resign from the foundation’s board and will end the annual Clinton Global Initiative meeting regardless of whether his wife wins the presidency, the Associated Press reported.

Bill Clinton said next month’s annual gathering of international leaders in New York will by the final CGI meeting.

The decision comes a week after leaked State Department emails underlined overlapping interests between the Clinton Foundation and the department during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. Clinton’s presidential campaign has come under increased scrutiny because of potential conflicts of interest.

Bill Clinton will also stop giving paid speeches until after the November election. If Hillary Clinton wins, he will cease paid speeches altogether, according to his spokesman, Angel Urena.

It’s unclear whether Chelsea Clinton’s role will change.

Republican National Committee chairman Reince Preibus criticized the foundation in a statement Wednesday.

"If everything was above board while Hillary Clinton ran the State Department as the Clintons have said, then why change a thing?" he said. "Now that they have admitted there is a problem, the Clinton Foundation should immediately cease accepting foreign donations and return every penny ever taken from other countries, several of which have atrocious human rights records and ties to terrorism."

Pennsylvania’s former Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell, a longtime Clinton ally, urged the Clintons earlier this week to shutdown the foundation if Hillary Clinton becomes president.