MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews said the Democratic Party needs to stop being "hard left" and actually "get things done" if the GOP takes the Senate on Tuesday.
Matthews said if Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) wants to take back the Senate in 2016, then he will likely block any and all Republican legislation over the next two years.
"People argue that then you don't want to pass anything, don't let Kelly Ayotte pass, get any credit," Matthews said. "That's more and more nothingness for the American people."
Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson failed to come up with a potential excuse for Democrats to block legislation in the same way Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) has done.
Matthews doubted President Obama would be "tough enough" to take on Republican Senate and House leadership.
"Nancy Pelosi has been a good team player, but you've got to stop being hard left here," Matthews said. "And we've got to get some things done here."