Bizarre Campaign Ad for Canadian Candidate for Parliament

August 12, 2015

Wyatt Scott, an independent, is running for Canadian Parliament and he wants your vote in this bizarre campaign ad.

Chris Matthews interviewed Scott about the ad on Hardball. The full transcript is below.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Welcome back to Hardball, the political ad out of Canada has taken this country by storm today. Part sci-fi, part fantasy, the explosive video is by Wyatt Scott. He's an independent running for a seat in the House of Commons, and he makes quite a first impression. Watch.

I'm joined now from Vancouver by the candidate himself, Wyatt Scott. Wyatt, thanks for taking a few minutes. Alright, Wyatt, analyze, dissect what the message in this ad - dragons, robots, random people falling out of the sky. What is the message you are trying to get across here?

WYATT SCOTT: Well, I think we got a few main points within the video. The video itself was meant to capture attention, and I think we've done that at this point. Definitely a lot of points in there. It was a lot of fun making this video.

MATTHEWS: Well you say the point was to get attention, obviously you've succeeded at that. We don't give too much coverage in this country to Canadian parliamentary elections, and we're talking about your race all of a sudden. So congratulations on that front, but tell us about the process, I mean, this is a new thing, in Canada and the United States, I think there's the opportunity to come up with a viral ad that will get you this kind of coverage. What was the process like of making this thing?

SCOTT: Well, about six months ago I put an ad out on Craigslist. And as an independent candidate, I am very limited on funds. So I had to do something big with something very small. I was fortunate enough to find a couple of student filmmakers, and they were very eager about the process. We collaborated for a few months, went back and forth, and I think that they did a phenomenal job. 'Three Amigos' was the production company, and a gentleman by the name of Christian Sheridan, a young guy. A phenomenal job they did.

MATTHEWS: Well, congratulations, like I said, you manages to get the attention of the United States to Canadian parliamentary politics.

Published under: Video