On The Campaign Trail, Joe Biden Is Very Confused

December 10, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden appears to forget where he is while on the campaign trail.

The 77-year-old former vice president has on multiple occasions mistaken the state he was campaigning in for a different state. While in Iowa, Biden said he was in Ohio. While in New Hampshire, Biden said he was in Iowa. Sometimes he corrects himself, but other times he doesn't.

On one occasion, Biden was campaigning in Keene, New Hampshire, but said he was in Vermont. "What’s not to like about Vermont in terms of the beauty of it? And what a neat town," Biden said.

Biden has committed a series of gaffes while on the 2020 campaign trail. He mistakenly said that Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy were assassinated in "the late '70s," though the two were killed in 1968. He also claimed he was vice president in 2018. Biden, last week, could not remember when the Obama presidency occurred.

"There's the Dreamers program, there's also a program that said we're not going to separate families, we're going to allow families to stay together while they go through the process.… We did that in 1976," he said. "And, I mean—I'm sorry, excuse me. Backing up here—2014."

The former vice president has attributed these verbal gaffes to fatigue.

Throughout his campaign, Biden has faced concerns from his own aides and supporters as well as criticism from his opponents about his age. In response, the campaign released statements from Biden's former brain surgeon saying the candidate "has a brain that is functioning."