Arrest Made at Mayors Against Illegal Guns Rally

A man was arrested at an event Tuesday supporting New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns in Concord, N.H., reports the New Hampshire Union Leader:

Several witnesses said that a man approached and shouted at John Cantin of Manchester, whose daughter, Missy Charbonneau, was shot and killed in 2009 by her husband.

Witnesses said Daniel Musso, 52, of Brentwood was asked by police to move. He placed his hand on an officer, was tasered and arrested.

Police said Musso was charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and two counts of simple assault.

The event had people reading the names of individuals "killed by guns" since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting last December.

Cantin told reporters that he came to the event partly because he wanted to take a stand against Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R., N.H.) for her vote on the Manchin-Toomey bill.

"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's special interest group has spent millions on false attacks against Senator Ayotte," said Jeff Grappone, Ayotte's spokesman. "Senator Ayotte has voted for legislation that had bipartisan support to fix the current broken background check system, increase the prosecution of those who illegally seek to obtain firearms, and provide additional resources for school safety, while protecting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens."

According to the Union Leader, Bloomberg’s gun control supporters met opposition from gun rights supporters. There were roughly 40 "No More Names" protesters to the nearly 60 gun rights supporters.

"I think this is a joke," said Tony Mayfield of Hillsborough, who brought his AR-15 rifle and Sig Sauer T39 handgun to the rally. "We have, for all intents and purposes, a corporation from out of state doing this little publicity stunt here."

At one point during the rally, a "No More Names" gun control supporter read the name of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects killed by police during a gunfight.

Several gun rights protesters responded by shouting, "He's a terrorist."